Software Engineer (Intern)
380 66 430 81 71 vladyslavbezruk@yahoo.com
https://www.linkedin.com/in/vladyslavbezruk https://github.com/vladyslavbezruk
Ukraine, Sumy
Hello. My name is Vladyslav. I study computer science at Sumy State University. I like programming and solve various analytical
problems. I can analyze information and find solutions to any complex problem. I am fond of playing chess, cycling and swimming. I
have no bad habits and lead a healthy lifestyle. I am looking for various job opportunities in Ukraine and abroad.
Bachelor's degree, Computer Science
Sumy State University
2020  2024
Trainee C++ Software Developer
AMC Bridge
10/2022  04/2023 Remote
Development of a 3D texture editor
C, Azure DevOps, Git, OpenGL, GLFW, GLM, XML, COLLADA, STL, MVC, Computational geometry
Telegram Bot "PiBot"
This is a telegeram bot that allows students of the Sumy State University to receive the schedule of lessons, links to classes and
various other functions. Telegram: https://t.me/SumDU_PiBot. The project is here: https://github.com/vladyslavbezruk/PiBot.
Python, Git, GitHub, Aiogram, Asyncio, Telegram API, Wolfram Alpha API, Requests, JSON
C Python Git OpenGL Azure DevOps GitHub GLFW GLM XML COLLADA STL
MVC Higher Math SQL/Oracle SQL Aiogram Asyncio Wolfram Alpha API Telegram API
Ukrainian Native English Intermediate
Mathematics Tutor
Tangle of skills
01/2023  06/2023
Volunteer tutoring for schoolchildren. I helped children to learn school math.
More info: https://tos.ks.ua.
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